Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Babu Wa Loliondo Who Cure Chronic Diseases

                                   The old man who cure
 Babu ambaye anaye ponya magojwa mbali mbali kwa kutumia Mungu alicho muambia

Something big and quiet unusual has been happening in Tanzania Loliondo Arusha. People are flocking the area from all over Tanzania including Government Officals, UN workers, citizens and almost 1000 cars heading there all because, it is believed thay there is a cure out there to cure chronic diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Cancer and even HIV/AIDS. This medication as claimed is being provided by an old man who is a retired Rev. of the KKKT Lutheran church in Loliondo by the name of Ambilikile Mwasapile (who is 76 year of age).
According to sources (Mwananchi Jumapili newspaper) who visited Ambilikile Mwasapile  at his residence :  He told them that he was instructed by God through his dreams in 1991 about this medication and what he should do to heal people with serious illnesses such as cancer and diabetes and asthma at first and later on in another dream that is when he was told by God that it could also heal people with HIV/AIDS. The dream kept occuring to him several times and last year on August 26 that was when he decided to start the healing work.
The treatment only costs Tshs 500, and its just one cup of the medication which should not be repeated once taken, and it comes from the tree shown below called(Mugariga) not sure what language that is!!
Before the medication is given out to the sick person, he first prays for it and then he boils it in clean water. He also claims that in order for the medication to work he has to be the only one who administers it to the patient and it starts working straight away. There have been reports from some people who have been there and used the medication, claimed that they can feel that they been healed.
              The tree of Mugariga ( mti wa mugariga)